March 22, 2018
WYC 145 – College Recruitment – Carter Armendarez talks college recruitment do’s and don’ts
Carter Armendarez is a senior at Wesleyan University, where he’s also captain of the wrestling team. Getting recruited to play sports in college is confusing to lots of athletes, but it really shouldn’t be. Carter has seen too many athletes fail to get recruited. So he made Acute Recruit’s College Recruitment Guide for Athletes so that doesn’t happen anymore.
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The best coaches…
- Believed in me
- Had me focus on becoming an expert in one skill vs trying to be OK at everything
Getting Recruited to college
- The most overlooked area is grades
- Start early
- Coaches want to hear from the athlete, not their parents
- Start a website to have as a landing page to share with coaches. Include:
- A page with highlight films
- An ‘about me’ with your accomplishments and bio
- A contact page with your contact details and your coach’s contact details
A big opportunity
- A lot of D3 schools have trouble recruiting quality athletes because their academic standards are too high. This is a great opportunity for athletes who may not have been the highest level elite athlete in high school.
Contacting Coaches
- Meet them in person at tournaments
- Research schools you want to pursue and look up the coaches online
The one that got away
- Carter lost by one point his senior year on the match to qualify for state
- What he learned: He learned to play to his strengths
Best Stolen Idea
- Quote from Tim Ferris when he asked an professional skier what the most important turns are on the run: ‘The most important turns are the 3 years I spent preparing before the run.’
Parting Advice
- Focus on the basics
- Keep it fun!
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