April 19, 2017
WYC 114 – Sports Nutrition – Dr. Phil Carson talks youth sports and nutrition
Phillip Carson, President of Carson Natural Health, LLC is a Pharmacist who thinks outside the box of traditional medicine. He believes in helping people find natural alternatives and integrative nutritional solutions to their health problems. He also has coached mostly soccer, coaching all five of his children and hundreds of others, over a 20 year span. He coached youth recreational teams, competitive teams as well as his local High School team.
Website: carsonnatural.com
Facebook: /carsonnatural
Twitter: @DrPhilCarsonRx
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‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where the puck has been’ – Wayne Gretzky
Coaching your own kids
- All kids are different – you have to coach each kid individually
Cringe Moment
- Yelling and screaming shuts kids down, especially as they get older
Teaching Skills
- Tell them, then demonstrate visually
- Bring in high school and college kids to add energy and expertise to your practices
- Kids love when you get involved with them in the games during practice
- Put kids in positions for success, where they can gain confidence by seeing confidence
Championship Culture
- 3 words they wouldn’t use or allow anyone to use: Can’t, Won’t, or Don’t
Healthy eating for athletes – How to Live Until you Die
- Dr. Phil helped one kid who was feeling lethargic on game days – he was drinking sports drinks. He replaced them with water, you can add a little Himalayan salt to get electrolytes and some fruit to get flavor. The dyes in the sports drink were reacting adversely with the boy and when he eliminated them he regained his energy.
- Processed sugar is horrible (i.e. in Coke) – The best way to get sugar is from fruits – have fruits after practice.
- Water is HUGE
- Oatmeal, protein bars, juices, fruit are great
- Older kids need more protein to build muscle. Clean protein. Be careful of protein supplements – artificial sweeteners, dyes, are not good.
- A good balance of carbs, protein, and healthy fats is key
- Check out his book, youtube channel, podcast : carsonnatural.com
The One that got away
- Dr. Phil had a goalie having a rough day, he should have taken him out, but he left him in, Dr. Phil regrets not taking him out.
Best borrowed/stolen idea
- Play lots of fun games in practices
Favorite coaching book/quote
- Quote: ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where the puck has been’ – Wayne Gretzky
Parting Advice
- Make it fun