July 2, 2015
WYC 049 – Youth Softball – Stacie Mahoe talks leadership involving action not position
What does it take to be a winning youth coach? Listen in as Stacie Mahoe shares stories and discusses her journey to becoming a successful youth sports coach.
Stacie Mahoe has been involved in the game of fastpitch softball since the age of 9 and is the Founded AllAboutFastpitch.com in 2004. Stacie also served as the Chief Marketing Officer at SoftballPerformance.com for a few years. Her perspectives on the game as a former player, current coach, and current softball parent provide unique insight on various softball issues.
While physical ability and athleticism are necessary to play the game, Stacie believes that the right mindset and attitude separate the good from the great and also help you succeed, not only on the diamond, but in life as well. While Stacie enjoys helping players improve their overall fitness and softball skill, far more rewarding is the opportunity to help young ladies become champions in life .
Website: Staciemahoe.com
twitter: @staciemahoe
youtube: /staciemahoe
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‘Leadership is action not position’
Coaching your own kids
- ‘She listened to other coaches much more than she listened to me’
My Cringe & ‘Ah-Ha’ Moments
- Make sure you show the kids how you can help them – then they will buy-in and listen more
Teaching Children & Keeping it Fun
- Explaining the concept instead of just telling them increases buy-in
- Fun game – Like red rover, but with nerf balls – trying to get the balls through the other line
Self-Confidence and teaching kids to achieve peak performance
- Try to get the athlete to see the small picture – don’t get overwhelmed by thinking of the big picture – ask the athlete to think of a small victory they can picture
Culture – Discipline/Rewards/Teambuilding
- Coach present – If you are asking the kids to play present – you need to coach present. Don’t be distracted by cell phones, thinking about other things.
- Consistency – you have to consistently enforce things.
- Individual punishment vs. team punishment – If it’s something the team can help an individual with – i.e. coming back late from a water break – if no one on the team is encouraging/yelling at a player who is running late – then the whole team can do the punishment
- Celebrate a lot! Kids will work harder when they are having fun!
Connecting with Kids
- Sometimes the toughest players – just want to be listened to – and if you listen to them and value their input they become much more connected and valuable teammates
- Help the players learn, develop, grow – the winning will take care of itself.
- The winning is not the top priority as a coach – developing the kids is the top priority.
The One that Got Away
- As a player – Stacie had a game where she felt like she could have played better – she didn’t like that feeling so it motivated her to prepare that much harder so it wouldn’t happen again
Best Stolen idea
- Stacie learned from her father what being a great coach looked like – he was very organized and very prepared
Coaching/Leadership Quote or Book
- Quote – ‘Leadership is action not position’, and ‘True leadership is serving the people you are leading’ It’s not about being the boss.
- Blog – about softball skills, and sports parenting advice
- Partnering with Janis Meredith from jbmthinks.com on webinars with parenting advice
Parting Advice
- You are there for the kids – all decisions should be what’s best for the kids (NOT the kid’s parents!)