June 9, 2014
WYC 004 Youth Hockey – Todd Grosse – Iron Sharpens Iron as One Man Sharpens Another
What does it take to be a winning youth coach? Listen in as Todd shares coaching stories and discusses his journey to becoming a successful youth coach.
Todd Grosse is married and has 2 children: a 16 year-old son and a 13 year old daughter. Todd grew up in Michigan and played youth hockey at the highest levels, and still plays today. They now live in Franklin, Tennessee.
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Coaching/Leadership Quote
▪ ‘Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another’ – Proverbs 27:17
Coaching your own Kid
▪ You have to keep a balance between coach and Dad, and you have to be very honest with your son/daughter.
My ‘Cringe’ Moment
▪ Not being prepared for practice and being extremely organized
Coaching AH-HA Moment
▪ Using terminology that the kids understand and making everything simple
Teaching Children
1 – Have a plan
2 – Instill discipline, kids are starved for discipline
3 – Communicate the plan clearly and simply
Keeping it Fun
▪ HUGE IDEA #1: Small area games instead of full-scale scrimmages so you can teach while having fun
Best Stolen Idea
▪ To bring the kids in – create a game that if you are the last player to the huddle you have to take a lap – and the players self-enforce it
Coaching Resources
▪ USA Hockey – great coaching materials, classes
▪ Coach Nielsen’s hockey drills
▪ Putting kids in the penalty box for not listening is very effective
Reward, Recognition, and Teambuilding
▪ Team recognition instead of individual recognition; and recognizing assists more than goals
▪ HUGE IDEA #2: ‘The Bucket Hat’ – The kids nominate after each game who deserves to wear the hat during warm-ups for the next game
▪ Offseason gatherings and teambuilding activities – whitewater rafting, dinners
▪ For parents – have a great team mom/team manager
▪ If you have a difficult parent – give them a job!
Inspiring Story
▪ Teaching a child by showing him grace – Young man was supposed to sit out the next game for violating rule – but Todd only had him sit our first shift and the young man was so excited and appreciative that he turned around his behavior and attitude
▪ Winning should be one of the goals – but it’s a team goal and learning fundamentals will lead to improvement which often shows up in more wins
▪ Playing time can be determined by a player’s willingness to practice as hard as possible
The One that Got Away
▪ They played a team that was above their level – and Todd regrets he told his team about how good the other team was, his team played intimated – he wishes he had just let them play
Coaching/Leadership Motivation
▪ Quote: ‘Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another’ – Proverbs 27:17
▪ Book: ‘The Gold Standard’ by Coach K. – story of bringing together the Dream Team
Parting Advice
▪ Have a detailed practice plan!
▪ Keep a binder of great drills
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