WYC 051 – Youth Softball – Jenn Starkey from FastPitch Fit talks confidence, teaching players to go not stop, and the MVP Leadership Academy

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What does it take to be a winning youth coach? Listen in as Jenn Starkey shares stories and discusses her journey to becoming a successful youth sports coach.

Jenn is a Softball Coach, Sushi Lover, Yogaholic, and an Expert Marketer on a mission to help young leaders find they leverage they need to go ALL IN.  Jenn has created a leadership program for youth athletes and is currently working on a book titled “A League Of Your Own”- a book written that talks all about what it means to be a leader in your own life.

Facebook: /FastpitchFit

Youtube: /FastpitchFit

Book: ‘A League of Your Own’ – loyobook.com

Listen Now:

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‘If you can’t explain it to a 6 year-old, you don’t understand it yourself’ – Albert Einstein

My Cringe & ‘Ah-Ha’ Moments

  • Learning to not let the emotions of the game and the emotions of coaching affect your personal life – One rule Jenn has with the parents is that if they want to have a discussion – they need to schedule an appointment (so you’re not being interrupted throughout the evening)
  • One cringe moment – Failing to act when a parent was out of line

Teaching Children & Keeping it Fun

  • ‘If you can’t explain it to a 6 year-old, you don’t understand it yourself’ – Albert Einstein
  • Use funny words, ask a lot of questions, ask them how they feel


  • Steps in teaching:
    • A good strategy is to ask the kids if they want to learn something new before you teach it – increases buy-in
    • Then demonstrate what doing it the right way looks like.  If you can’t physically demonstrate it yourself – have someone else do it, or even show a video.
    • Now break it down into steps and explain the why on what they are doing
    • Then do a dry run
    • Then go game speed

Self-Confidence and teaching kids to achieve peak performance

  • Give genuine compliments on how the player makes the team better
  • The best way to keep the pressure from mounting is to keep the game fun – and practice pressure situations in practice


  • 7 confidence Hacks:
    • 20 minute video: fastpitchfit.com/confidence-hacks/
    • #1- Extra Practice
    • #2 Anchoring
    • #3 Unleash the Alter Ego
    • #4 Power Pose
    • #5 Master Self Talk
    • #6 Visualization
    • #7 Play Up!
  • As a player – it’s your job to go; as a coach – it’s my job to stop you.  So be aggressive until I tell you to do otherwise.

Culture – Discipline/Rewards/Teambuilding

  • Make sure you are only punishing things that the kids can control
  • Jenn has a baby elephant story, and a baby elephant award at the end of each week of practice is given to the kid who has worked the hardest and been the best teammate
  • The Tony Robbins triad for you to change how you feel:
    • Move your body
    • What you focus on
    • What you say

Connecting with Kids

  • MVP Leadership Academy
  • Book: ‘A League of Your Own’ – loyobook.com


  • Winning is an outcome, the goal is growth

The One that Got Away

  • Jenn believes in having a post-game review – then moving on

Best Stolen idea

  • Jenn’s dad attitude about being a coach – He said he is a parrot – learn from the best and do the same things.

Coaching/Leadership Quote or Book

  • Anything by John Wooden or John Maxwell

Parting Advice

  • Athletes aren’t going to remember what you say – they are going to remember how you make them feel.  Write down how you want your kids to feel when they look back.


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