March 18, 2016
More Than Words- Fill Your Mind With Positivity Part 3 of 4

Coaches often use inspirational words and quotes to motivate their teams. Coaching, like life, is a rollercoaster ride full of peaks and valleys, and it is important to fill your mind with positivity to help you persevere through the valleys. So over the next 4 weeks I’ll share the words of coaches who have motivated me over the past 2 years while sharing their wisdom on the WYC podcast. I hope they motivate you as much as they have me!
Let’s overload Twitter with positivity this week! Pick out your favorite 1 or 2 quotes and share it by clicking on the ‘Click to tweet’ link.
Dr. Michael Phillips: ‘The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you figure out why’ – attributed to Mark Twain Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Dr. Michael Cathey: ‘Talk TO your players, not AT them’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
John O’Sullivan: ‘When you are coaching sports – you don’t coach a sport, you coach a child’ – Dr. Martin Toms Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Cameron Gish: ‘When you encounter adversity, your character is revealed in how you respond’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Joe Daniel: ‘Keep everything simple so that your kids build confidence, confident kids play fast, fast kids win games’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Mark Linden: ‘Kids don’t sign up to practice baseball, they sign up to play baseball.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
JJ Lawson: ‘Attitude reflects leadership’ Click to Tweet & ‘We don’t teach our offensive linemen to block – we teach them to hit.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Kevin Kennedy: ‘For pre-game nerves: Don’t deny it or try to squelch it! Embrace it – be excited that you are having pre-game excitement. It means that this is important to you.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Rich Clayton: ‘In coaching, people will only listen to you, because they truly believe that you can make them better’ – Bill Bellichick when someone asked him ‘Why would a coach making $12 million a year listen to someone making $100k a year?’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Stacie Mahoe: ‘Leadership is action not position’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Jenn Starkey: ‘If you can’t explain it to a 6 year-old, you don’t understand it yourself’ – Albert Einstein Click to Tweet Podcast episode
John Doss: ‘Make the right lacrosse play, we’re not worried about the results’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Al Ainsworth: ‘Don’t’ hold back – We want big fat ugly mistakes’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode