3 Big Lies & 2 Truths

Joe Ehrmann, who has been called ‘The most important youth coach in America,’ describes the dangers of 3 big lies being told to our kids about what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman.

3 Big Lies about Masculinity:

  1. Being a man has to do with how good of an athlete I am
  2. Being a man has to do with my sexual conquests
  3. Being a man has to do with my socio-economic success

3 Big Lies about Femininity:

  1. That a “prince charming” will rescue a “worthy” woman and make her life complete
  2. That what it means to be a woman is dependent on beauty and body type
  3. We teach young girls that if they’re going to have their needs met, they somehow have to defer their true selves.

2 Truths – If not these lies, what then should we be pursuing?

Life is all about:

  1. Relationships
  2. Being part of a cause bigger than ourselves


As a coach, what message are you teaching the kids you coach about what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman?


    Inside out coaching book cover Season of lifeInsideOut Coaching by Joe Ehrmann and Season of Life by Jeffrey Marx and Joe Ehrmann